Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Karva Chauth

I had been seeing that most of the fasting process (that count on beneficial properties) are specifically saddled on the woman's part. Whether it is the Hartaalikaa Teej, some regularly occurring chathurthi *( some thing like forth night of the moon after full moon) or this Karva Chauth every date of the festivity (so called) are loaded with the fasting and then preparing for the observances useless series of events associated with the legends and myths.
Equally origin of this however was to socialize or let support the brides to fight theirs whimsical fears regarding their in-laws specially husband through socializing with elderly women counterparts. This however was more significant when the communication systems were in low supply, expensive or were absent and slow. But when we have instant communication systems like cellular phone available with even a person living under poverty line( in India) this process more a mis-tradition should be avoided.
Although, today the nature and methods of its observances are certainly way beyond its real purpose. It is the silly way to not eat or drink anything till next Moon sighting from the previous night that too before the husband even when the significance of it has no value emotionally or logically.
If we analyse the process and the evolution of the traditions which is more spiritual in sense then karvaa chauth is the
1. Clandestine way of the females to express the demand for physical closeness to husband or the person they love in open social cirlces.
Now as a part of Aborigines' culture the traditions continue which is necessary part of the tribal society obviously next level to Aborigines. And tribes have history of having polygamous leaders which was essentially a behavioural trait inherited from the animals showing a complete power over the group. This actually is natural tendency promoted by nature, but for the organisms who have either adapted to it or just have submitted to its way to survive. Humans also have passed over this inheritance, some of which lived it vigorously and in full blow in the past and which is now slowly vanashing as the intelligence is growing. Now this tendency of polygamy when hopefully got vanished nearly from the society its hangover remained which obviously put women in the centre stage of being victim to it. Like women will not express their desires, they will be having less involvement in the leadership decisions, social arena marked their acceptance as heir generator for the potential male counter part for continuance of the genetic code which male was carrying with him. This is still prominent in many parts of India especially among the social groups which claim to be effectively more religious.
So what happened with the society how such religious activity came into being. Well it should have began in some this way.
A woman she was well read and belonged to aristocratic society, had some courage to express her feelings and she had lot of logical similes to defend herself against the harsh and pernicious comments of the prevalent religious leaders, stood up against the dogmas in a very smooth way. She first studied the men's behavioral approaches towards a women and then trapped a authority we can say a religious leader( who was probably bored with usual traditional observances or was feeling incompetent to established his own identity) and made a deal with him. Over the period of time she established the notion of freedom of expression publicly for woman with the help of that religious leader. It was a simple deal the woman got freedom and the religious leader got his power to express his identity among the social stalwarts. This case is well understood of suitable process cleverly implemented, suitable times, suitable people and suitable outcome. So this was an evolutionary revolution against the prevalent dogmas.

2. Clandestine way for the females to express the demand for physical closeness to husband or the person they love in open social circles( devised by the male counterparts).

Next Case It was started by a male who was too much irritated by the unnecessary distance with woman counterpart he has to maintain due to the social dogmas. He stood up against all the dogmas through the thought process and injected a new thought that was mingled with religion and he even coined (though slyly ) some stories later included in the sects (puranas) as reference material. This reason because you can still find tens of thousand of local deities and their origin being rooted to the puraanas and other scriptures that are none like a definet referencial source.

Next case how this tradition could have evolved is evident through a scientific process which is more important. In recent discovery it has been established that woman having more social contacts and socializing behaviours have good health and (, accessed 7/10/2009 10:28) and sick women get healthy if they are more socializing. So it was a natural instinct for woman to gather and discuss about any thing they find worth discussing. This obviously became a bad case when it took on as the events of ill spewing on others. So in all the cases women supported this evolutionary revolution or social reform which favored their identity recognition.

Today women are more free and they have remarkable degree of openness that is they can walk hand in hands with husband in busy market and can show their affection in front of many people which is respected. But when these women start observing these silly (yes silly because the time and conditions are entirely different from what was necessary to observe these ways) traditions they in fact recall the dead past which ruthlessly empower the filthy mentality. Today to show the affection towards husband through this process entirely will be like when one can marry in court in few rupees but one hires expensive pundit and spend the precious time to go the traditional way round.

...........................Well some thing, more is needed still to eriducate such silly events in name of sheer traditions.

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