What you call the Heads Of Various Ashrams? Well, some of them call as GURU, some of them refer them as Bhagwan, some as Exeptional Individual, some as their everything, while what they are in reality. They are Religious Incorporators-The sellers of Religion and the Piousness. Lets us understand the term Religious Incorporators. Whenever a person, community, or an organisation accept some money in lieu of the services they render then they are doing business. Whether they teach you some techniques of spiritual uplifting, mental uplifting or physical uplifting. They may claim or render their services will reduce the stress, will enhance your overall mental outlook, your methodology of working and then they will demand a certain amount in lieu of that. This is often called as GURU Dakshina or the offerings to the GURU. But in real GURU never asks for the Dakshina or the Offerings in any form. Only a business person or a exchanger can ask for such offerings.
What is a Guru? To recognise a true GURU you have to examine him/her on two rules.
Rule No 1. Guru frees a person from the image that they have created but without loss of the original state and with an enhancement over the previous one. Any one tries to remain in your mind for ever then he/she is just hijacking you mental status or if you return to him often in any way then you are not free only a bounded character of his/her mental state .Rule No 2: Guru even frees you from the modified state and if any loss is caused to you then he/she takes the whole responsibility of that and leaves you intact without any loss.Well it sounds absurd that how can you examine a GURU. It is that if you cannot examine then how can you recognise a person is fit to be GURU. Because if you do not know what is a stone then how can you identify the individuality of a stone. In that ignorance you may well land on wood piece and will call it a stone.
Next if you have no power to understand how can you evaluate a person so that on him you can rely and leave your entire life to be guided and then become free as an individual.
If you learn some thing from a person and he/she guides you to do some thing but remains in your mind then he cannot be a Guru. He is just a businessperson who is dwelling to take the return of the Investment he/she has made on you. So whenever you see a person sitting on the large throne dictating some oratorial skills then assume he/she is nothing a mediator/broker/or a Business person loosely a religious prostitute who sells the mental body in lieu of your mental support that is a mental monetary gain to him/her .
It is often said GURU is way to GOD well its is the greatest blasphemy that is circulating in the minds of every common person who has read the couplet.
Guru Govind Doau kahde kake lagoon payein
Balihari Guru aapki Govind diyo bataye
In Hindi
गुरु गोविंद दोउ खड़े काके लागूँ पाऐं।
बलिहारी गुरु आपकी गोविंद दियो बताए।।
The english translation goes on as :
Guru-The Mentor and Govind-The God both are standing whom should I bow before. I am in debt to the GURU who has shown me the path to GOD.
This is the Couplet written by a person who has remained the Businessperson or was involved in religious prostitution.
Reason for this are simple GURU cannot show way to GOD or even show the GOD. If he/she is showing a way to GOD then either he/she is doing the business or simply he/she is a very good mental image constructor means hijacking your mental status to a different one then what you have already. And if GURU is so heightened that he can show GOD then why he is not approaching to become one with why he is standing in the way or becoming the way to GOD.
You will surely hear logics from persons that GURU is here to help you acheive the best of your AIMS. Analysis: If that is condition then how come he knows about any person's aim. If a person never knows about his aim then how can GURU tell him/her about the aim. Only a person who has passed through that state in which some another person is and remembers that state can tell about, then it is a work of the Leader who can be called as Guardian or a person sitting at the tip of pole. It can be light bulb also.
Another Statement that is often claimed as a Logic you will here from the persons my GURU is MY GOD.
Analysis: This is utter idiosyncrasy that overpowers any individual who has remained confused all the way long.
Note: Dharma=Religion in this essay and should be treated as "the process of going through the path directed by individual conscience". Because some people call dharma is not the religion but some thing different then religion.
Govind Is GODLY from of the Lord Vishnu Incarnation.