Hmm ..Its a time to rejoice that we have finally burned Ravan effigy and got a triumph over the bad forces. Really ? This question mark is just provokes me to think that Ravan's effigy is totally eliminated from the common man lives and it is now dissolved in the air which will be inhaled by all the country men and all the components of ecosystem.
From years I have been thinking that what is the Totality of implementation (logical + emotional) behind this process of Ravan Burning on Vijaya Dashami?
Burning an effigy is related to the "Psychological training process to get rid of old burden" and clearing all the mental woes to the related events. Fire scientifically is more powerful in destroying all the reminiscence attached to any physical object, the physical itself and converting it purely into heat energy.
Emotionally the brain of human being not accepts the death of any object till its physical shape is not completely destroyed. An object if present in howsoever small parts the human brain has tendency to associate and preserve because of its learned behavior from prehistoric ages of saving and preserving. So complete vanish of an object makes a person to adopt the event as the object is not available for association.
Now consider the geographical importance of the Ravan burning. Actually the month of October is signal for coming winter and this is the period when rainfall stops and bright sun appears spearding its shine and warmth all over the area. During the rainy season the people often get ill or they succumb to the illness due to the humidity in the environment which of course leads to the development of many potential viruses and their attack on the immune system of humans and other organisms. So to just ward off these illness a process is needed to completely destroy the viruses and bacterias. A scientific person is capable of making arrangements and cleansing his/her home but a person who doesn't know about this will be potential victim of viruses. So to teach about the physical cleanliness and protection the common set of rule is devised through defined explanation which are synonymous with common life events in any society. To teach the masses about any matter the best way is to devise a story and then develop an event that could be repeated over and over again to inculcate its importance. Slowly this adopts a traditional value with deep roots and natural dedication towards its observance.
Similar is the case with Ramayan and Ravan.
Burning of Ravan was to teach about maintaining the cleanliness in around the person's physical and mental environment. But you know every time this accuracy doesn't happen and somehow the lack of purposeful thinking crawls in and creates all the sort of nuisance. And this eventually leads to mass hysteria if any rational thinking is put forward to oppose the silly observances with scientific proofs. Humans are more craved for secure and safe zones and once they settle for the particular mind set that assures them safety then it becomes much difficult to turn their eyes towards real security or the security measures that are needed for present times. Their is another method of getting free from illness or Ravan its memories and other things.
Patanjali Yog Sutras defines that any impression or any remembrance is a hurdle towards your self being free. So to free from traditional nuisance and create scientific society, masses have to forget about the Ravan. But their is one rule to this that no gap can be left over because as Ravan will be eradicated from mental memories the Ram will also vanish (Because both exist in mutual association to each others personality) and you know whole of the social faith system (of Ram Rajya) will shatter to dusts.So what to say more it is and will be slow process, but once done it will create a Powerful Individual which is free to think and peaceful.
In context to pollution norms the Ravan Effigy Burning is the stupidest thing that is conceptualized with grandeur in name of misinterpreted traditional values. Its surprising that Indian masses having a genetic code which is blessed with high emotional IQ and 5000 years of understanding brings out such vapid approaches towards healthy living. Or they are finding security in their own created cocoons.
to be continued .........with suggestions for improvement.